Women’s Issues
At every age and stage of life, women face particular challenges simply because they are women.
Some Challenges for Women:
- Sexism
- Domestic violence
- Reproductive health
- Balancing work and home
- Working in male-dominated environments
- Struggling for equal pay
- Childcare
- Caregiving
- Aging
- Biological clocks
In some cases women’s issues fall into the category of human rights. According to the World Health Organization, 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetimes.
Opinions abound on how to address the larger, systemic issues in improving women’s lives. Some ideas include:
- Vice President Kamala Harris states that women need to “be at the table, making decisions.”
- Senator Amy Klobuchar points to the need for more women in senior positions of power to affect change for women.
- Anne-Marie Slaughter, president and CEO of New America states that despite over half of women occupying the primary breadwinner role, the majority of caregiving falls to women. She calls for society to view traditional “women’s work” as truly equal to traditional “men’s work.”
If you are dealing with issues that are particularly challenging for women, please consider getting support.
For 25 years I have worked with women to better their lives. Please contact me to discuss how I may be helpful to you.

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