Succession Planning
Who should fill the CEO’s shoes? Who should fill the successor’s shoes?
These questions are critical for small and large organizations alike. Yet, identifying and preparing successors is complex and challenging, especially today. This is not about replicating the current CEO. In today’s volatile world, with constantly evolving expectations, the next CEO will need to bring a different set of experiences and skills to lead the organization into the future.
Research suggests that promoting from within is generally the best strategy, yet it requires considerable planning and strategy. Additionally, studies show that diversity in the leadership ranks pays dividends in increased revenue and profitability.
So how do you get there?
You need to build and retain a deep and diverse talent bench with the capabilities needed as the organization moves forward. I have 25 years of experience as an organizational psychologist. I can help you define the requirements of the critical roles for the future, starting with the CEO. I use best-in-class objective assessment tools and techniques to identify and develop those who are ready for promotion, those who can be developed for future readiness, and those who are best suited for their current roles.
I also provide consultation and support to enable managers and executives to have candid conversations about their career aspirations, potential, and readiness for future roles.
If you need help developing your succession plan, please call me.

Organizational Consulting & Executive Coaching

Career Coaching